Sean Atkinson, an Ocala, Florida native, has been working for Copytalk Business Services since 2015. A hard-working, friendly senior scribe, Sean worked his way up in the company over the years. It was a joy to have Sean Atkinson as the next interviewee, as he had been present in the Tallahassee, Florida office prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, during the transition to all-remote for the Tallahassee branch, and is subsequently still working with the company upon the establishment of a new, physical Tallahassee office in early 2022. Copytalk Business Services presents one of their many diligent and reliable employees: Sean Atkinson.
When Sean began working for Copytalk in 2015, he was still living in Gainesville at the time, attending college. After working for the company through the Gainesville office for two years, Sean then moved to the Tallahassee office in 2017, working under Operations Manager Kyle Wilson and Operations Supervisor Kayti Agnelli (Kayti is now the Operations Manager of the Gainesville, Florida office). After working as a transcriptionist in Tallahassee, the opportunity arose for Sean to be promoted to Operations Supervisor upon Kayti’s return to Gainesville. When asked if Sean expected to reach the role of an Operations Supervisor, he responded
Definitely not … this was supposed to be kind of a part-time job that would be kind of a transition until I found something new … But then I ended up liking the Tallahassee management staff so much between Kayti and Kyle and Dominique, while she was still here, so much that I ended up working full-time … I didn't expect to become OS. That was just kind of a happy thing that ended up happening when Kayti got the opportunity she did.
Sean became an Operations Supervisor in July of 2018, assisting with the interviewing process, conducting check-ins with training employees, and being one of the main sources for advice and guidance for scribes throughout the company. When a new Operations Supervisor came on board in 2020, Sean was there to assist with his training as well.
With his supervisor role, Sean loves the opportunity he has of meeting and interacting with new people throughout the company, from applicants to other members of the management team.
From painting miniature figurines for tabletop games to participating in video game tournaments, Sean is also active in the gaming community, and even helped host game nights for the Copytalk employees. When it comes to personal preferences, Sean stands with Kayti Agnelli, the Operations Manager in Gainesville, stating that he prefers orange juice over apple juice, indefinitely.
One of Sean’s proudest accomplishments since starting with the company was his ability to work 113 hours in one pay period – a span of 14 days – while he was still working as a transcriptionist. Reaching such a high number of hours is an incredible feat, and a very rare occurrence! As an Operations Manager, Sean was proud of how he and the rest of the management team were able to set up the new physical Tallahassee office after this specific branch had transitioned to entirely remote near the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
One of my favorite responses from Sean was in regards to any advice that he was willing to give to employees, both new and old. Without a second thought, he stated
This goes for even beyond just working at Copytalk or anywhere, but I think something that's really important, communication is the key to success in pretty much anything. Everyone here, all the management for all the offices, are about as friendly as they come, and we've got a really great communication system in terms of sharing information across all the offices, but we only can address the issues that we know about … make sure you're just communicating if you're struggling with any part of the job.
Sean was once in the shoes of a new employee at Copytalk, so he truly knows the struggles and hardships that can arise when dealing with such a wide range of processing standards, difficult audios, or technology problems. Through his hard work and friendliness, Sean makes himself available to anyone who may need assistance. With the company’s best interest in mind, Sean has been able to provide countless insights and support for both Copytalk and its employees throughout the years, and will continue to do so persistently for Copytalk Business Services.
-Carmen Henderson
Bio: Sean Atkinson started with the company in May of 2015 in the Gainesville office before rising to a management role in the Tallahassee office. His hobbies include writing, video games, and painting miniatures.