Working at Copytalk has been an intriguing and unique experience, with managers that are genuine and show that they care about their workers and others within the company, to employees that are more than willing to help their newer, or even older, co-workers both through the usage of The Courier (a monthly newsletter contributed to the employees), and privately. There are extraordinary people who take time out of their day setting up a variety of events, trying to ensure their workers are in a positive work environment, while still maintaining the professionalism and organization that is necessary to meet the needs of the countless customers that we have. Even upon the arrival of COVID-19, the supervisors and other members within the senior staff worked relentlessly to confirm the job security of all workers, making quick yet effective adjustments in order to keep up with the rapidly-changing world around us to ensure that both the employees and the customers of Copytalk remained satisfied with the business and the work that is provided.
The truth is, being a scribe at Copytalk has taught me discipline, as I need to remain focused in order to ensure the accuracy of not only my own jobs, but the jobs of others as quality assurance. I also feel a sense of joy and pride when I see the quality of my stats, and fulfilled when I am able to give advice to new and old employees alike when I review their jobs. I hope to get further within the Copytalk company, and I am proud to say that Copytalk has been my first job, as the scheduling accommodations, friendly people within the company, and the job variety that keeps me on my toes has not only been entertaining, but educational as I learn more about what I can do with my future, and that there are people both inside and outside of the business that can help me achieve my aspirations, and are more than willing to offer opportunities for me to do so. It would be false to say that I didn’t boast about my job and its benefits, not only financially, but socially. It is safe to say that Copytalk is one of a kind, and I feel honored to be a part of its community.
-Carmen Henderson